Giving Smartness to your Business

AMA is trusted

to deliver sustainable business improvements

How can we help you?

Let us take the following tasks off your list:

Strategic business planning

The first step on the road to success for any business is a strategic analysis. Our analysis reviews your current position, develops a vision for the future, and evaluates the strategy options available to take your business from where it is now to where you want it to be.

People Management

Many people say their people are their most important resource, but do they act that way? AMA Business Consulting offers a range of people management services and capabilities to help you build a team that will drive your business forward. We’ve helped hundreds of businesses.

Build a market-focused operation

AMA offers expert, tailored solutions beyond the scope of most marketing agencies because we approach marketing through the business-strategic lens. we offers superlative brand development as well as campaign strategies, digital marketing expertise, sales strategies and sales team training.

Business process improvement

Build practical processes for greater productivity, efficiency and profit. The primary reason for implementing business systems is to build consistency and, therefore, predictability into the quality of outcomes.

Maximizing business profit and cash flow

Measure and manage financial performance. The aim of any business is to generate sustainable profit and positive cash flows consistently. If a business is unprofitable or isn’t cash positive, it can’t survive. It isn’t a viable business.

Digital Solutions:

We support you in your business and executing a winning strategy that allows you to create sustainable growth. AMA Consults works closely with its clients and partners in a stepped approach to develop customized digital solutions. We design and develop applications that are user-friendly, modern and easily adaptable and upgradable.

Request Consultation

Talk to a AMA CONSULTS for specialist business advice to help with strategic planning, to plan and manage business growth and processes and improve operations, develop your people (human resource management solutions and strategies), brand, promote and market your business, and financial management and profitability.

Our Happy Clients!

“One of the good things that we found about working with AMA is that they could quickly grasp the technical issues involved with our products and markets and how they impacted on our choice of strategy.
Ron Burnwood
My company has been working with AMA Consults over several years to improve our business operations and management. They have helped my company become a better employer and to be more aware of our growth potential and client experience
Lily Granger​
From the strategic review and analysis of the business to implementation of the essential recommendations and changes, AMA have guided us continually and consistently into growth.
Jeson Foxx